Privacy Notice

In compliance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of individuals (hereinafter “The Law”), BSPM COMPAÑIA SA de CV, known as Baja Sol Property Services, with an address for the purposes of this Privacy Notice at Loma Alta 898 Antigua de Cabo boutique hotel, Col. Lienzo Charro, 23470 Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.; is a company legally established under the laws of the United Mexican States, dedicated to the sale, rental, maintenance, and management of all types of real estate, which by collecting the personal data you provide us, is responsible for their protection and the use given to them.


For the purposes mentioned later, we require to obtain the following personal data directly:

  1. Full name
  2. Nationality
  3. Place and date of birth
  4. Address or residence (personal and work)
  5. Gender
  6. Marital status
  7. Profession or Occupation
  8. Phone numbers
  9. Email address
  10. Social Security Number
  11. Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)
  12. Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC)

Also, “Baja Sol Property Services” informs the customer that the obtaining of such data can be done indirectly through the request and receipt of documentation containing such information, which by way of example but not limited to the following:

  1. Natural persons:
    • Title of ownership
    • Official identification (passport, voter ID, and/or driver’s license)
    • Birth certificate
    • Marriage certificate
    • Death certificate of the spouse
    • Certificate of Unique Population Registry Key
    • Certificate of Tax Identification
    • Proof of address (Electricity bill issued by the Federal Electricity Commission, bank statements, local telephone bill)
    • Migratory Form
    • Receipt of payment for water supply rights
    • Receipt of payment for trust rights
  2. Legal entities:
    • Articles of Incorporation
    • Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
    • Power of Attorney for the representative
    • Tax Identification Certificate of the company
    • Proof of address
    • Notice of acquisition in accordance with Article 27 of the Constitution, section I (Roman numeral one)
    • Articles of Incorporation
    • Good Standing

It is the responsibility of the owner of the personal data, to ensure that the data provided voluntarily to “Baja Sol Property Services” are correct, truthful, and complete, being obliged to communicate to “Baja Sol Property Services” any changes in them, in order to comply with the obligation to keep the information provided updated.

In case of not having the personal data of the holder, “Baja Sol Property Services” would not be able to carry out the purposes for which they are required, so it would not have any liability arising therefrom. Also, personal data provided by the holder incompletely, or have not been viable, for which they were required, will be deleted immediately and will not be retained in any database that manages “Baja Sol Property Services” or whoever designated for the same.


The personal data may be obtained directly from the holder and will only be used for the following purposes:

Your personal information will be used to provide the person with the service of selling, renting, maintaining, and managing all types of properties or real estate.


The personal data collected by “Baja Sol Property Services” or whoever it designates for the same, will have a legitimate, controlled, and informed treatment by means of administrative, technical, and appropriate physical means, such as confidentiality agreements, the administration of our databases, and the protection of our computer and information systems in order to guarantee the privacy of the same and to avoid losses, incorrect use or unauthorized access.

If “Baja Sol Property Services” requires to use of your personal data for purposes other than those agreed, the holder will be notified in writing, by telephone, electronically, or by any optical, sound, visual, or other means that technology allows at this time or in the future, explaining the new purposes or uses that are intended to give to such information, in order to obtain your consent or authorization.

In the event that the personal data stored are required by any authorized authority, either in any legal process, to respond to any claim or legal action or to protect the rights of “Baja Sol Property Services” or its customers, suppliers, distributors, business partners, and in general any natural or legal person who is involved with “Baja Sol Property Services”, will be made available, in strict compliance with the order or empowered by “The Law” and/or in cases where such legal framework so provides.

With this Privacy Advisory, the owner of the personal data is duly informed of the data that have been obtained, as well as the purposes and treatment that will be given to them, accepting the terms contained and that has been prepared in compliance with the order of “The Law”.


For the collection or gathering of the personal data requested, we follow all the principles mandated by “The Law” such as legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility in accordance with article 6 of “The Law”.


When the owner of this data decides to exercise the “ARCO” rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition), he/she must make his/her request via e-mail to, to the attention of the Data Protection Area, to which he/she must indicate what type of “ARCO” right is requested, or if it is a revocation of consent for the use of his/her Personal Data, or if it is only the limitation of such use or disclosure of the same.

The Area will respond to your request, sending in writing, by telephone, electronically, or by any optical, sound, visual, or other means that technology allows at that time the result in the conclusion of your request within 20 working days from the date on which the corresponding request is received.


We also inform you that your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the United Mexican States, by persons other than this brand and its creator and collaborators. In this sense, we inform you that your information may be shared with companies or companies that have a similar purpose to “Baja Sol Property Services” or with its customers, suppliers, distributors, business partners, and in general any natural or legal person who is involved with “Baja Sol Property Services” to provide a more complete and better service offered.

If you do not express your opposition for your Personal Data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.

□ I do not consent to my Personal Data being transferred under the terms set forth in this Privacy Advisory, accepting that such refusal may lead to “Baja Sol Property Services” not fully provide the services it offers, releasing “Baja Sol Property Services” from any liability arising therefrom.


“Baja Sol Property Services” reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Advisory at any time, either by virtue of a legal order or by the provision of “Baja Sol Property Services”, for which it is the responsibility of the owner of the Personal Data, periodically review the contents of the Privacy Advisory on the site

“Baja Sol Property Services” understands that not expressing any disagreement or otherwise, means that the holder has read, understood, and agreed to the terms set forth, which constitutes consent to the changes set forth in such updates regarding the processing of your Personal Data for purposes of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals and other applicable legislation.


In accordance with the provisions of “The Law”, this Privacy Advisory is informative in nature, and if you do not state otherwise, this is your acceptance and tacit granting of your consent for the processing of your Personal Data.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Baja Sol Property Services” provides you with a printed format for the express granting of your consent if you so require.

This Privacy Advisory, as well as the general use of the Law made by “Baja Sol Property Services”, is governed by the legislation in force and applicable in the United Mexican States, any dispute arising from its application, the Holder and “Baja Sol Property Services” agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, waiving any jurisdiction that may apply with respect to their present or future addresses.